
Articles, meditations and tips for conscious living.

Tantra, Intimacy and Divinity

Romantic relationships are very important part of our life. A big part of a good relationship is se.uality. Of course se.uality is not the only thing that makes amazing relationship. But without amazing love making we cannot really live fulfilled relationship on all levels. Many people think that sexuality is something spontaneous and automatic that happens on...

Does your 3rd chakra need more balance?

3rd chakra – Manipura – the Solar Plexus Inner power and vulnerability Location: solar plexus. Connected with: stomach, gall bladder, liver, small intestine, spleen, pancreas, limbic system Color: yellow, Sense: sight, Element: fire 3rd chakra relates to: Inner power and vulnerability, harmony of opposites, cosmic joke, freedom, connection with the purpose of your soul, inner light, control...

What is Tantra?

When it comes to Tantra people usually think of erotic massages or sexuality. However Tantra is much more than that. It embraces all areas of our life not just sexuality. It carries tremendous healing power which can help us on many levels in our life. It can help us with relationships, work, health, life purpose...

Does your 2nd Chakra need more balance?

2nd Chakra Svadhishthana – the sacral chakra Emotions, sensuality, portals of life and death Location: Between the belly button and pubic bone Connected with: lower belly, reproducing organs, womb, kidneys, gall bladder, urinary, liver, hypothalamus, lower back, body fluids. Color: orange. Sense: taste. Element: water. 2nd chakra relates to: Emotions, flow, relationships, fertility, orgasmic potential, creativity, life cycles, death, rebirth, connection to...

What is the meaning of our dreams?

Do you sometimes have very vivid dreams? Or do you have a repetitive dream? Do you think about what it actually means? Through our dreams, our subconscious mind is trying to process issues which happened to us during the day (and also from the past), which we did not have a chance to digest correctly. They carry a healing...

Does your 1st chakra need more balance?

1st chakra – Muladhara – the root chakra Location: at the base of the spine between anus and perineum Connected with: whole pelvic area, legs and feet, large intestine, anus, coccyx, bones. Color: red. Sense: smell. Element: Earth. 1st chakra relates to: Connection to Earth and physical realm, roots, animal nature, wildness, sexuality, primal needs,...

Mastering Love in the Modern World

Do you ever feel that there is a higher dimension to sex and relationships that than what you are living right now? I did – and I’d like to share about how the wisdom of Tantra transformed my life. Modern society generally leaves us poorly prepared to develop strong and healthy relationships. In ancient times, along with...

Essence of a Woman

One day I realised, I had been living my whole life in a masculine way. I knew I did’t want to be just a dumb pretty face. I adored men so much for their strength, their ability to deal with obstacles, their clarity and grounded approach to life. I was sorry I wasn’t born a man. Life would have been so much easier. So I was...

Are you walking your Soul path?

When we walk the right path we feel in harmony, content and fulfilled. Life becomes easy and joyful. We enjoy every moment and life is a celebration. If we are not living according to our inner truth, we feel frustrated, dissatisfied and unfulfilled. Our Soul feels imprisoned and desperately yearns to live her truth. Why we...

A Healthy Lifestyle – what is the most important aspect that is missing?

Currently, there is a positive movement towards healthy food, regular exercise and positive thinking. People are moving towards improvement many areas of their life. But there is one area that we are omitting. We push it away because it is enveloped with a veil of shame and ‘Taboo’. It is our innate essence,  holding tremendous power and...

  • Author: Amrita Hanna Slaninková, MBA – tantra teacher and holistic therapist
  • Since 2011 Amrita has studied Tantra, meditations, holistic healing techniques and energy work. On her path, she has experienced a powerful opening of her ‘healing channel’ and since then she has been working as a medium – channeling high vibration frequencies to other people with amazing results. Presently, she is sharing the most effective methods she has learned to help other people live consciously in joy and bliss. She writes articles, facilitates workshops for women, offers personal therapeutic Skype sessions and online healing programs.